Hello and Thank You for stopping by We Connect Websites. I have moved this domain to different hosts as I have moved WordPress all over the internet. You can see it happen on the supporting YouTube channel, which is where you may have come from.
If you have questions about moving your website, even if it isn’t WordPress, leave a message on the YouTube video that you are having an issue with and I’ll gladly answer your questions.
Thanks again and enjoy the information in the site.
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How To Install New and Rekey SSL Certificates
There was a day when SSL's were only for e-commerce websites and corporate login pages but times have changed. Everyone looking to be friendly with the search engines must have an SSL. In this article I give you a breakdown of what an SSL does, how it effects you and search engines, and how to install an SSL on you hosting account.
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How To Move WordPress On GoDaddy | Over 17,000 Views!

Moving a WordPress website may seem like an impossible task but we make it step by step easy. Follow along with this video to learn
- FTP Hostname, username and password
- phpMyAdmin login information, username and password
- Database Hostname, username and password
- Database Connection String
- Import and Export with phpMyAdmin
- FTP Hostname, username and password
- Use cPanel to connect WordPress files and database